League of Loreheads


Episode Summary

The Loreheads are confused about Yorick's living situation.

Episode Notes

Oh just when we think we're done talking about Rise of the Sentinels, it's here to ruin something else. Yorick is an important figure in The Shadow Isles, and even apparently had a run in with Viego at some point, and yet... The poor fella has no involvement in taking Hot Cross Buns out! We're not sure where Yorick can go from here, but he's a cute lil guy ain't he?







Twitter! twitter.com/loreheads


Discord! https://t.co/o21E0W4C8z?amp=1


Twitch! twitch.tv/loreheads


Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leagueofloreheads


Song Title | Yorick, Shepard of Souls

Artist | League of Legends

Courtesy of Riot Games https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/community/riot-music-creator-safe-guidelines/

Image by Yuri_B from Pixabay - book with sparkles