League of Loreheads


Episode Summary

The Loreheads still don't know how Bandle City works.

Episode Notes

Although The Magical Cat isn't a yordle, she has about as much lore as one. Yuumi is different from a lot of other champions fighting their way around Runeterra, so it's only natural she hangs out with the other stuff a little too cute for all the monsters and world-ending crap. We hope she finds her yordle! Trapped in between portals??? That only she can make with a book???? Unless anyone can now???? YARN THO??????







Twitter! twitter.com/loreheads


Discord! https://t.co/o21E0W4C8z?amp=1


Twitch! twitch.tv/loreheads


Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leagueofloreheads


Song Title | Yuumi, the Magical Cat

Artist | League of Legends

Courtesy of Riot Games https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/community/riot-music-creator-safe-guidelines/

Image by Yuri_B from Pixabay - book with sparkles